Privacy Policy

For us privacy for our valued customer is very important. We strongly believe that the personal information of our customers should not be shared with the third party without the prior consent or request from the customer. Privacy is the right of an individual and at Suhitech, the information of the customer such as contact no., email, addresses etc is used only for the internal purpose and not for sale.

Your contact information is stored in our database and is only used to contact you during the Event with us for sharing the status of your Stall Bookings with us and then after for announcement of our latest details and news etc. We at Suhitech condemn the unauthorized reach and misuse and/or discloser of the personal information of the customer and we have strict guidelines and high security features to prevent the same. Any changes in our ‘Privacy Policy’ will be posted here on the website.

At any time while availing the services or otherwise, you also have an option to withdraw this consent given such withdrawal of the consent shall be sent in writing to us. In such a case where you are withdrawing the consent, we reserve rights of not providing any further services for which they said information was sought.

However, you have an option to review the information you have provided and ensure that any personal information or sensitive personal data or information if found to be inaccurate or deficient may be corrected or amended as feasible. Wherein, we shall not be responsible for the authenticity of the personal.

If you have any questions or queries, please send us an e-mail at the following address